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Shadow Work At It's Finest

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Ahhh... Shadow Work. This is quite the topic & I'M ALL FOR IT!!

So, digging right in, shadow work is when you work with your unconscious mind to uncover parts of yourself that you tend to hide or repress from yourself. This can range from personality traits that your unconscious mind considers undesirable as well as traumas. These things are the shadows. The things that need light brought to it. A shadow usually develops in early childhood when we're told that certain behaviors are unacceptable. Proponents of shadow work say it can help heal generational trauma, allow people to rethink the messages they send children in their life, cope with emotions in more constructive ways, and feel more whole.

The more you shine your light on a shadow, the smaller it gets.

This practice of healing and self-growth, requires surrender and acceptance. Instead of attacking everything that you don't want to think, feel, or address, go into this process with an attitude of compassion for yourself and your experiences. Working through your shadows brings an entirely different view on all things, which in turn alters your mindset completely. Of course, for the better.

Here's the deal & I'm going to be blunt, IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE EASY, PEASY! You will cry, you will express & you will CONQUER. This is what it's all about. When I did my shadow work, HOLY COW. I lost many people in my life, I lost so many attachments to material things. (I've never been super materialistic but this lessened it even more) I started really paying attention to the energy that was around me. Once I started following those feelings, the changes that came about were EXACTLY WHAT I FRIGGIN NEEDED. I did a lot of crying, but acceptance became a HUGE aspect of my life. I don't worry about WHAT EXACTLY is going to happen anymore. Now, I go along with ease & I have FULL trust that the universe is going to deliver exactly what I need.

As for every human, we all wonder what the outcome of certain situations will be. We play out different possible scenarios in our heads & we spend SO much energy on things that WE CANT CHANGE. If a certain situation is out of our control, why would we waste hours and hours wondering, while we could be focusing energy in believing the best is coming out of it. THAT is LAW OF ATTRACTION.

These things come easier as we do our inner work & become familiar with the energies that are CONSTANTLY around us.

The best advice I could give anyone is, look at life as a mirror. Life reflects back the way you filter things. Life is a filter reflecting your innermost thoughts. People consider their problems to come from outside conditions. They try in vain to change the world surrounding them in hope things will improve. This seldom works because their thoughts are out of alignment. What you hold in mind comes to life irrespective of your preferences.

Life is a mirror; its reflection shines your image back to you. If you agree the world is volatile, you will look for evidence to substantiate this. You might tune into the news and hear of unfortunate incidents that confirm your beliefs. However, other people claim life is wonderful and attract pleasant experiences as a result.

So, here we have two people attracting different circumstances. It is because their predominant beliefs dictate their reality. You are continually shaping the world around you as a result of conscious and unconscious thoughts. Reality is but a mirror reflecting your inner world.

Life is neither fair nor unfair. It merely provides confirmation of your thoughts as the user and experiencer.

Some people hold strongly to the notion of free will. I am of the opinion it is the illusion of free will, whereby our unconscious beliefs are being reflected to us as free choice.

What I mean is, your choices are the result of conditioned beliefs carried from a young age. Your beliefs are unconscious because they are formed during an impressionable period. You had little choice in the matter because your upbringing was not of your control.

Life offers you feedback to the agreement of your thoughts, so you can take action to correct them. Personal development and self-improvement becomes the vehicle towards lasting change, if you are prepared to do the inner work.

The obstacle becomes the path. The journey shows the way.

You are the master of your fate. Should you resign yourself to victim, life will assuredly offer you evidence of this. Free choice means life is neutral and ready to respond to your thoughts. You are playing a game in which many are unaware of the rules. You create the future with each new thought. This is a powerful faculty to override circumstances you do not wish to carry forward. Negative thoughts shine the light on your unconscious mind. They contain lessons to enhance your personal evolution and create a new reality.

Life is a miraculous entity based on universal laws. When you abide by them, you co-create circumstances under these laws.

If you align with negativity, you attract that into your reality. If you align with positivity, you attract your reality. It comes down to that.

Start looking at the reflection & you can start making those desired changes!

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